
先进的 100% 乳清蛋白分离物:顺滑的香草能量,有助于肌肉生长和恢复。
- 描述
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高级 100% 乳清分离蛋白具有美味的奶油香草味,经过精心制作,可提供高品质蛋白质以支持肌肉修复和生长。这种多功能蛋白质补充剂非常适合锻炼后恢复或作为日常饮食的营养补充。*
• 高品质蛋白质:每份提供 22 克纯乳清分离蛋白,有助于肌肉恢复和生长。*
• 顺滑奶油味:每一勺都能享受到天然香草的浓郁顺滑口感。*
• 用途广泛:非常适合运动后饮用,或全天随时补充营养蛋白质。*
• 消化健康:含有苹果果胶粉,可增强消化支持。*
• 健康脂肪:包括 MCT 油粉,可快速补充能量并增强新陈代谢。*
成分:乳清蛋白分离物、天然香料、MCT 油粉、苹果果胶粉、向日葵卵磷脂、甜叶菊提取物(叶)、海盐、二氧化硅。
产品数量: 28.40 盎司/805 克
毛重: 1.91磅/870克
建议使用:作为膳食补充剂,成人每天将两 (2) 勺本品与 6-8 盎司水或喜爱的饮料混合。为获得最佳效果,请在饭前 20-30 分钟服用,并加入 8 盎司水,或按照医疗保健专业人士的指示服用。
注意:请勿超过推荐剂量。孕妇或哺乳期母亲、18 岁以下儿童以及患有已知疾病的个人在使用此产品或任何膳食补充剂之前应咨询医生。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。如果安全密封损坏或丢失,请勿使用。请存放在阴凉干燥的地方。
At Nyam, we are committed to giving back to those in need, including the poor, the hungry, and the homeless. We actively sponsor organizations that feed the hungry and we also take to the streets ourselves to hand out meals to the homeless and hungry in New York City and wherever we go. We envision Nyam as more than just a store or blog—it's a movement that reaches people wherever their need is. Our goal is to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, promoting wellness and compassion in every community we touch.
We make this possible by donating 10% of our earnings to charities and organizations dedicated to feeding the homeless and hungry. After all, "nyam" means "to eat." No one should go hungry, especially when so much good food is wasted every day.