
- 描述
- 附加信息
- 纯净简单:我们的死海泥仅含有一种主要成分——纯净死海泥。这是一种简单且久经考验的解决方案,经受住了时间的考验。
- 富含矿物质的配方:死海因其高矿物质含量而闻名,据信可以缓解皮肤干燥。
- 我们的死海泥适合天然护肤爱好者,可作为面部、背部和身体的毛孔收缩剂,有助于对抗黑头、白头和油性皮肤。
- 它含有矿物质,具有调理和净化功效,促进肤色健康、皮肤更紧致、更年轻。
- 利用这种卓越的天然疗法,在家中即可享受水疗品质的体验。
- 纯粹而强大。
- 它不仅适用于您的皮肤;有些人甚至将死海泥涂抹在头皮上以获得清爽的感觉。
- 体验死海泥的神奇功效,这是一种经得起时间考验的永恒护肤解决方案。利用这个古老的秘密,让您的皮肤焕发自然光泽和活力。
成分:淤泥(死海泥)、死海水、Acribio OCS* - 1%
产品重量: 7 盎司(198 克)
Bruto 重量: 7.9 盎司 (224 克)
使用建议:在干净的皮肤上涂抹一层薄薄的泥浆,避开眼部和唇部区域。让面膜停留 10 - 12 分钟或直至干燥。用温水以打圈的方式轻轻取下面膜。用干净的布拍干。建议每周使用两次,然后使用您最喜欢的保湿霜。
At Nyam, we are committed to giving back to those in need, including the poor, the hungry, and the homeless. We actively sponsor organizations that feed the hungry and we also take to the streets ourselves to hand out meals to the homeless and hungry in New York City and wherever we go. We envision Nyam as more than just a store or blog—it's a movement that reaches people wherever their need is. Our goal is to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, promoting wellness and compassion in every community we touch.
We make this possible by donating 10% of our earnings to charities and organizations dedicated to feeding the homeless and hungry. After all, "nyam" means "to eat." No one should go hungry, especially when so much good food is wasted every day.